"A Vigilante" tells the story of a woman that has survived an abusive relationship that helps other women and/or children get out of abusive relationships. She does this by beating up the abusers and scaring them off. In the movie it is effective, but I am hesitant to think this would be an effective means in the real world though. It would be nice though if some hero could save all of the abused like Olivia Wilde's character, Sadie, does. Wilde shows her range as an actor effectively in this movie. It is not an Oscar-worthy performance, but it is a very solid and underrated performance from her. She shows real range and the ability to transform in her role. She met the physical and emotional demands wonderfully. Her performance is undermined by a clunky plot though. The movie jumps forwards and backwards and it leaves us guessing a bit when each scene takes place. Sadie's hair color changes, sometimes it is due to time and other times it is because of wigs, so that little plot device throws off the ability to convey what time point of the story we are witnessing. The pacing is a little funky and there are some moments that feel really drawn out and others that feel really short-changed. There are some exposition scenes that could have used a bit of visual aid to really hit home, but still the exposition given from Wilde is gripping. I really would have liked seeing more from the climax. There are some brutal scenes and some genuinely intense moments, and the climax could have been absolutely nail-biting, but it ends up getting short-changed. There is a good message here about women and children being liberated from their abusers. This movie is fairly ambitious with its direction and storytelling, but it misses more than it hits. Luckily, Wilde's performance saves this film slightly. This is not a great movie, but it is by no means terrible. It could have been great, it just doesn't live up to its potential. Overall, I give this movie a 6/10.