Wes Craven's "A Nightmare on Elm Street" is a unique take on the slasher horror sub-genre. Since the success of "Halloween," several other horror movies have tried to replicate it, and most fail. This movie, however, makes the story more supernatural by having the slasher be an entity that kills his victims in their dreams, in turning killing them in real life. The premise is truly scary. This movie hasn't aged great though. The music when Freddy Kruger pursues his victims is very dated, and takes a lot of the suspense away. Robert Englund does great as the killer, Kruger. The campiness of some of the dialogue and sequences makes this movie fun, but when it wants to buckle down and produce some scares, it does that well too. The gore effects are great and a bit over the top, which is really what you want in a slasher film. Johnny Depp is introduced in this movie, and in his limited screen time does really well. The rest of the acting outside of Englund and Depp is decent. It is difficult to watch these classic slasher movies and not think of all the cliche's that the genre has produced since these classics were made. So, in a vacuum, this is a good movie. Overall, i give this movie an 7.5/10.