"Days of Future Past" seamlessly combines the X-Men casts from both the original trilogy and the new trilogy to make one of the most memorable X-Men installments to date. The all-star cast of Hugh Jackman, Sir Patrick Stewart, Ian McKellan, James McAvoy, Jennifer Lawrence, Michael Fassbender, and Peter Dinklage make this one of the most star-studded superhero flicks ever. The acting is great, and new characters, specifically Quicksilver, make great impressions with their time on screen. The effects are dazzling, and the story is very well thought out and smart. The use of time travel is very smart, we as the audience are easily able to believe that the way time traveling is used in this movie makes sense. The political story is told with great detail and deepens what potentially could have been a stereotypical superhero film. This installment in the X-men universe is also fun and entertaining. The story of being able to save mutant-kind and not prevent the end of the world is fresh and exhilarating. The stakes are high for this film, and it does a great job of delivering. Overall, I give this film an 8/10.