This film had a simple task of not being as bad as "The Phantom Menace." It may be a better movie, but not by much. Many of the same elements that plagued TPM reappear in this film (albeit without the podracing). Anaking Skywalker is played by Hayden Christensen. Poor dialogue matched with poor delivery by Christensen make his performance memorable for all of the wrong reasons. He does have some moments where he isn't that bad though. WE get to see glimpses into Anakin's evil side which is fun considering we all know he turns into Darth Vader. Ewan McGregor returns as Obi-Wan Kenobi and does a good job in the role. He is more controlled than he was in the previous film which is a good thing. The story in this installment is slow and filled with politics and backdoor scheming. However, this film definitely sets up the rise of the Empire a lot better than TPM did. Again there is a CGI problem from George Lucas. There is an abundance of mediocre CGI in almost every single scene! There was some craftsmanship used in this film, but the CGI takes away much of what we could appreciate in the sets. The jedi and clone battle on Geonosis has some cool moments, but overall the action in this film is not overally memorable. The villain is Count Dooku and he just is not nearly as cool as Darth Maul. For better or worse we did get a scene of Yoda lightsaber fighting, I still don't know how I feel about it after all of these years. Overall, I do think this movie is ever so slightly better than TPM thanks to less Jar Jar Binks, so I give it a 5.5/10.