"Jurassic World" is very similar to the original "Jurassic Park" film, but has it's own feel to it also. Showing what Jurassic Park could have been, Jurassic World is a fully functioning park with tourists flooding it. This premise creates a different identity than Jurassic Park. As havoc breaks out, all the tourists are in danger which causes extra tension and stress for the protagonists and the viewers. However, the characters in this film are not dynamic at all. They are shallowly written and feel more like placeholders while we wait for the next dinosaur scene. The effects are great, the use of practical effects and CGI make the dinosaurs come to life. The action scenes are fast-paced and intense. The film as a whole moves along at a respectable clip, not really ever slowing down. The story is not completely original, but it makes due with it's premises. Chris Pratt is fun to watch, just a shame his character is written to be so flat. Had the screenwriters taken more care into creating a more original story with well-developed characters, "Jurassic World" would have fared better. The spectacle, music, and action are all great which make this a nice popcorn flick. Overall, I give this film a 7/10.