If you missed "The Secret Life of Pets 2" you did not miss much. The movie poster says "Don't Laugh," well I didn't! The jokes rarely if ever land. The voice acting is decent, they aren't Tom Hanks and Tim Allen great, but good enough. The animation isn't anything special. Every once in a while there is a scene that looks great but a lot of the scenery seems fairly generic. This movie has three separate storylines going on that ultimately come together in the third act. There is some pay-off for the main dog, Max, but for every other character there is little to no change in their character. Kevin Hart returns as the bunny character and all he does is scream obnoxiously. The writers wasted his comedic touch by just having him shout everything. There are some fun moments in here, but mostly the movie seems to be grasping at plotlines to stretch a thin story over a feature length film's runtime. This is not as fun as the first one. Illumination has made some good movies before, but this one is just mediocre. Overall, I give this movie a 4.5/10.