The 1973 Robin Hardy directed, "The Wicker Man," is an iconic horror movie for good reason. It is a staple to which all other horror movies about cults are ultimately compared. Ari Aster's 2019 release "Midsommar" clearly owes a lot to what it is to "The Wicker Man." Edward Woodward stars as a police officer searching for a missing girl on a remote island. I won't spoil anything, but one thing leads to another and his stay on the island goes awry. The story is creepy and unsettling, which is exactly what you want in this type of horror. The acting is great as well. Hardy does an excellent job with his direction. I do think this movie could have been a bit creepier and been even better for it. Granted, this is one of the first horror cult movies, so it does get points for creating such a common genre in horror. There is definitely some dialogue and imagery that will stick with the viewer long after the credits roll which adds to the horror of this film. Overall I give this film an 8.5/10.